
الخميس، 27 فبراير 2014 - Top Stories

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RSSFWD - Top Stories delivers up-to-the-minute news and information on the latest top stories, weather, entertainment, politics and more.

See principal drag students down hall
9:31:43 PM
A female principal was fired after surveillance camera caught her dragging two kindergarten students through the halls.

10 Oscars facts you (probably) didn't know
9:31:21 PM
Do you know who is the youngest Academy Award winner? Or when the awards were first broadcast in color? Test your Oscars trivia.

Borger: Congress takes the year off
9:27:53 PM
It's a political axiom that the closer Congress gets to an election, the less work it gets done.

America becoming a nanny state?
9:25:09 PM
Crossfire host Newt Gingrich along with Sally Kohn debate if recent changes to nutrition labels are an overreach of gov't. power.

Russian troops train near Ukraine
9:24:32 PM
Russian military exercises near Ukraine are raising concerns that Moscow may be putting troops in position to move across the border if such orders are issued, a senior U.S. official familiar with the most recent administration assessment told CNN Thursday.

See Beyonce's steamy new video
9:22:49 PM
Beyonce's music video for her song "Partition" is getting buzz for its steamy scenes.

'Muttbombing' craze will melt your heart
9:17:12 PM
Now they're dropping "muttbombs." CNN's Jeanne Moos reports dogs are taking the selfishness out of selfies.

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