
الأربعاء، 26 فبراير 2014 - Top Stories

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'It isn't a slippery slope,' group says
10:04:47 PM
Is it a promising way to stop a deadly disease or an uncomfortable step toward what one leading ethicist called eugenics?

Opinion: Genetic testing, playing God?
9:59:00 PM
"It's a miracle," she told me. "We can now have a baby that won't have Huntington's disease. I thought I'd never be able to have any kids -- because of the disease." Her father had died from this disorder, which results from a gene mutation. She feared that she might have the mutation, too. But she was too scared to undergo testing for it. She also worried that if she had it, she might pass it on to her children.

Why the cluster of birth defects?
9:58:52 PM
CNN's Elizabeth Cohen investigates an alarming cluster of babies born with birth defects in rural Washington state.

Ethicist: We should do this
9:53:49 PM
The FDA is considering a technique that uses the DNA of three parents to eliminate genetic diseases in newborns.

Record number of women using IVF
9:52:52 PM
More American women have had medical help to have their babies than ever, according to the latest annual report from the Society for Assisted Reproductive Technology.

'Arizona open for business to everyone'
9:52:33 PM
Gov. Jan Brewer axed a bill that would have allowed businesses that assert religious beliefs to deny service to gay and lesbian customers.

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