
الأربعاء، 26 فبراير 2014 - Top Stories

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RSSFWD - Top Stories delivers up-to-the-minute news and information on the latest top stories, weather, entertainment, politics and more.

'It's Columbus syndrome'
1:37:03 AM
Spike Lee tells Anderson "I find it interesting that you need an influx of white New Yorkers for the services to go up"

FDA considers 3-parent babies
1:31:58 AM
Is it a promising way to stop a deadly disease or an uncomfortable step toward what one leading ethicist called eugenics?

Director rails against changes in his neighborhood
1:31:24 AM
Spike Lee grew up in Fort Greene in Brooklyn. But he says -- in an epic rant against gentrification -- the rapid changes to the area are forcing out people who have been there for generations.

Man who sparked the rant
1:26:15 AM
The man behind director Spike Lee's gentrification rant is speaking out and responding to the filmmaker's comments.

Indian soldier kills 5 colleagues
1:04:08 AM
A soldier at an army camp in Indian-administered Kashmir killed five of his colleagues Thursday before turning his gun on himself, the military said.

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