
الجمعة، 28 فبراير 2014 - Top Stories

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Dead man starts kicking in body bag
1:11:18 PM
A coroner declared an 87-year-old Mississippi man dead, but when they got him to the funeral home, the man began kicking and breathing.

Older dad: I risked it and it was worth it
12:58:43 PM
You know, it's not like older fathers don't have enough to deal with.

LZ: Change we can believe in
12:52:31 PM
In the fall of 1995, I jumped into a large van with about 20 other young black men, and we headed out from the small college town of Kalamazoo, Michigan, to Washington.

Ousted Ukraine leader talks tough
12:39:48 PM
Viktor Yanukovych tells reporters he did not order police to fire on protesters during demonstrations last week.

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