
الخميس، 27 فبراير 2014 - Top Stories

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Spike Lee explains gentrification rant
10:13:26 AM
Filmmaker Spike Lee talks to CNN's Anderson Cooper about his harsh comments on gentrification in New York City.

Spike Lee explains gentrification rant
10:13:26 AM
Filmmaker Spike Lee talks to CNN's Anderson Cooper about his harsh comments on gentrification in New York City.

Lee: 'There's good. But what cost?'
10:13:06 AM
Spike Lee grew up in Fort Greene in Brooklyn. But he says -- in an epic rant against gentrification -- that rapid changes to the area are forcing out longtime residents.

Does skinny McConaughey have edge?
10:00:14 AM
This year's race for best actor at the Academy Awards was supposed to have been the most wide open in decades, with candidates ranging from two-time winner Tom Hanks for "Captain Phillips" to newcomer Oscar Isaac for "Inside Llewyn Davis."

Sanjay Gupta explains 'designer babies'
9:57:20 AM
The key to making a "designer baby" might be not two, but three parents. But how does that even work?

We like our Jesus sexy
9:56:35 AM
Clearly Jesus was sexy.

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