
الجمعة، 28 فبراير 2014 - Top Stories

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Was 'Blackfish' helped by investigator?
8:08:58 PM
SeaWorld, saying it can show an OSHA investigator was biased against the aquatic park, accuses her of engaging in cronyism with the producers of the documentary "Blackfish."

McConaughey: Already winning
8:02:30 PM
Matthew McConaughey is having one hell of a year. From almost stealing "The Wolf of Wall Street" despite being on the screen for only a few moments, to the critical acclaim and awards he's racking up for his turn in "Dallas Buyers Club," and did we mention a little thing called his hit HBO TV series "True Detective?"

Man wakes up in body bag
7:57:47 PM
Even in the Bible Belt, coroners don't use the word "miracle" lightly. But a Mississippi coroner has no qualms using the word for the resurrection, as it were, of Walter Williams.

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