
الأربعاء، 26 فبراير 2014 - Top Stories

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RSSFWD - Top Stories delivers up-to-the-minute news and information on the latest top stories, weather, entertainment, politics and more.

NASA discovers 715 new planets
2:27:00 AM
NASA announced the discovery of 715 new planets in our galaxy, the biggest batch of planets ever unveiled at once. Four of the planets are in what NASA calls the "habitable zone."

Ariz. Gov. vetoes 'religious liberty' bill
2:25:10 AM
Gov. Jan Brewer axed a bill that would have allowed businesses that assert religious beliefs to deny service to gay and lesbian customers.

Muslims warned against going to Mars
2:24:02 AM
The Oscar-nominated film "Gravity" traces the harrowing tale of astronaut Ryan Stone after a mission goes horribly wrong. She's lost in space and struggles to try to make her way back to Earth.

Earth -- from 100 million miles away on Mars
2:22:57 AM
It's a dot in the sky.

Rare glimpse of Nixon phone call to moon
2:22:44 AM
Archived footage shows President Nixon's 1969 phone call to astronauts Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong on the moon.

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