
الخميس، 27 فبراير 2014 - Top Stories

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Tensions rise in Crimean peninsula
3:49:13 AM
Tensions rise on the Crimean peninsula as pro-Russia and pro-Ukraine protesters face off. CNN's Fred Pleitgen reports.

Russian flag flying over building
3:48:25 AM
Armed men have seized the parliament building in Crimea, the autonomous republic in Ukraine, an official said.

Russia flexes military muscle
3:47:50 AM
Russia ordered surprise military exercises on Ukraine's doorstep Wednesday as tensions in that country's southern Crimea region simmered, with pro-Russian demonstrators facing off against rival protesters in the city of Simferopol.

'Christopher Columbus syndrome'
3:43:30 AM
Spike Lee tells Anderson "I find it interesting that you need an influx of white New Yorkers for the services to go up"

Spike Lee explains gentrification rant
3:43:09 AM
Spike Lee grew up in Fort Greene in Brooklyn. But he says -- in an epic rant against gentrification -- the rapid changes to the area are forcing out people who have been there for generations.

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