
الخميس، 27 فبراير 2014 - Top Stories

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Who's behind 'religious freedom' push?
5:55:17 PM
The challenge in tracking money spent on political causes as well as the many, often behind-the-scenes players that are involved in shaping legislation make it hard to determine who's behind the "religious freedom" legislative pushes found in Arizona and many other states.

Airline ends bereavement fares
5:51:28 PM
The bereavement fare was once the airline industry's gift to the traveler, an acknowledgement that a customer was flying for the saddest of reasons: a medical emergency or death in the family.

Gentrification spurs tensions nationwide
5:46:32 PM
A walk along the streets of Columbia Heights in northern Washington is a trip down memory lane for Franklin Garcia, 44.

High court protest in secret video
5:43:02 PM
In an apparent first at the tradition-minded Supreme Court, an advocacy group surreptitiously recorded video of an oral argument.

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