
الأربعاء، 26 فبراير 2014 - Top Stories

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RSSFWD - Top Stories delivers up-to-the-minute news and information on the latest top stories, weather, entertainment, politics and more.

Governor says 'no' to anti-gay bill
7:53:11 PM
Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer vetoed a bill that would have allowed business owners to deny service to gay and lesbian customers.

What to tell the kids about Bieber
7:50:14 PM
Here's yet another time when I'm oh-so-thankful my kids are too young to a) be Justin Bieber fans and b) know anything about his arrest and Lamborghini joy ride allegedly under the influence of marijuana, alcohol and prescription drugs.

Green energy -- or risk the planet
7:32:13 PM
Did you hear that a barge leaked 31,500 gallons of crude oil into the Mississippi River over the weekend? When the tanker collided with a tugboat, the resulting spill caused 65 miles of the river to be shut down for two days as New Orleans Port traffic ground to a halt and drinking water intakes were closed.

Coming to a state near you?
7:23:35 PM
Arizona's decision on its "religious freedom" law -- whatever that winds up being -- won't end the move to pass similar laws elsewhere, observers predicted Wednesday.

Does Ted Nugent speak for you?
7:22:54 PM
Ted Nugent knows how to stir controversy, and some candidates keep campaigning with him. Does he speak for you?

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