
الأربعاء، 26 فبراير 2014 - Top Stories

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Spying on Muslims is legal?
2:09:38 AM
Muslims in America just lost their right to privacy. Last week, a federal judge in New Jersey ruled that blanket, suspicion-less surveillance of Muslims is permissible under the U.S. Constitution.

Terrorist apocalypse? Never mind
2:08:56 AM
"It's tough to make predictions, especially about the future" is an aphorism attributed to the great baseball player Yogi Berra.

Why films about the young get snubbed
2:06:59 AM
When people talk about the cinematic geniuses of the 1980s, one name invariably comes up -- John Hughes. For young people growing up then and even today, the writer-director's name conjures up memories of unforgettable films.

'Arizona open for business to everyone'
1:57:40 AM
Gov. Jan Brewer axed a bill that would have allowed businesses that assert religious beliefs to deny service to gay and lesbian customers.

Similar efforts coming to other states
1:57:35 AM
Arizona's governor vetoed the "religious liberty" bill, but that doesn't mean similar efforts in other states won't continue, with Missouri and Georgia taking steps already.

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