
الأربعاء، 26 فبراير 2014 - Top Stories

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Hunt for man-eating tiger won't end well
8:52:13 PM
Nazim Khan scans the vast fields before him, thick with sugarcane stalks that stand taller than his 6-foot-2 frame. Somewhere out there is a man-eating tiger on the prowl.

FDA considers '3-parent' embryos
8:43:28 PM
The FDA is considering a technique that uses the DNA of three parents to eliminate genetic diseases in newborns.

Coming to a state near you?
8:42:58 PM
Arizona's decision on its "religious freedom" law -- whatever that winds up being -- won't end the move to pass similar laws elsewhere, observers predicted Wednesday.

What to make of 'designer babies'
8:39:40 PM
The key to making a "designer baby" might be not two, but three parents. Dr. Sanjay Gupta explains how that works.

5 things to know about black culture
8:39:14 PM
There's a scene in my satirical film "Dear White People" in which social misfit Lionel Higgins is asked to write a black culture piece by the editor of a campus newspaper staffed with mostly white people.

Police find pot, pipes in Bieber limo
8:37:46 PM
Police searching Justin Bieber's limo found a small amount of illegal drugs and paraphernalia Tuesday, a police report said.

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