
الخميس، 27 فبراير 2014 - Top Stories

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RSSFWD - Top Stories delivers up-to-the-minute news and information on the latest top stories, weather, entertainment, politics and more.

What happened to the Navy SEALs?
10:32:28 AM
The Maersk Alabama was attacked by pirates in 2009. They took Captain Richard Phillips hostage and the tale became a Hollywood movie. Now there's a new drama: Two ex-Navy SEALs working as security officers on the ship are dead and the cause is a mystery.

Opinion: We like our Jesus sexy
10:27:25 AM
Carol Costello says a new movie features an attractive actor playing Jesus; is it necessary to win attention for a religious figure in today's culture?

Photo of baby with rifle shocks
10:25:13 AM
A photo of an infant holding a rifle is creating shock waves on social media sites. WTNH has more.

Concordia captain taken back to ship
10:23:23 AM
The captain of the Costa Concordia went back on board Thursday for the first time since the cruise liner crashed into the rocks off Italy's Giglio island, killing 32 people.

Gunmen seize buildings in Crimea
10:21:51 AM
Dozens of armed men seized Crimea's parliament and another building in a challenge to the Eastern European country's new leaders.

Sanjay Gupta explains 3-parent babies
10:19:00 AM
The key to making a "designer baby" might be not two, but three parents. But how does that even work?

Men take more selfies after 40
10:18:08 AM
When it comes to aging, I know I am lucky, at least so far, because usually when I tell people how old I am (47!), they're surprised.

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