
الخميس، 27 فبراير 2014 - Top Stories

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RSSFWD - Top Stories delivers up-to-the-minute news and information on the latest top stories, weather, entertainment, politics and more.

Ex-CNN anchor loses arm, turns to tech
8:48:33 PM
A few years ago, PBS science correspondent Miles O'Brien reported about patients who were receiving modern artificial body parts to help them recover from the loss of the limb.

Every best actor winner, ever
8:43:21 PM

Obama: I didn't have dad, got high
8:42:53 PM
A few of the best moments from President Obama's speech to announce the "My Brother's Keeper" initiative.

What it takes to bring home an Oscar
8:38:24 PM
It's that time again, time to pull out the ballots and read the tea leaves and see who's going to take home the trophies at Sunday's 86th Academy Awards.

Babies with 3 parents' DNA?
8:33:45 PM
The key to making a "designer baby" might be not two, but three parents. But how does that even work?

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