
الخميس، 27 فبراير 2014 - Top Stories

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RSSFWD - Top Stories delivers up-to-the-minute news and information on the latest top stories, weather, entertainment, politics and more.

Why 'Muttbombing' has gone viral
10:33:50 PM
Now they're dropping "muttbombs." CNN's Jeanne Moos reports dogs are taking the selfishness out of selfies.

Column: Lee has turned tidy profits
10:29:29 PM
Whatever one thinks of Spike Lee's expletive-laced rant about moneyed newcomers inhabiting once-blighted corners of America's most populous city, the millionaire filmmaker could be considered a dubious messenger for such sentiments.

Critic: Spike Lee, you are a hypocrite
10:21:53 PM
Errol Louis pushes back against Spike Lee after his gentrification rant, saying: "This is a man who has made epic contributions to the phenomenon he finds so troubling."

North Korea
10:18:38 PM
North Korea launched four short-range missiles into the East Sea, the South Korean Defense Ministry said Thursday.

Principal drags 5-year-old by the leg
10:18:01 PM
A female principal was fired after surveillance camera caught her dragging two kindergarten students through the halls.

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