
الخميس، 30 يناير 2014 - Top Stories

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Why Beatlemania couldn't happen today
11:47:28 AM
When the Beatles landed in the U.S., they let loose records likely never to be broken and a fan dedication unequaled. But could the Beatles' invasion happen today?

Difference between Justin Bieber and Matt Damon
11:47:20 AM
Nancy Carlsson-Paige, Matt Damon's mother, talks about raising a child to be secure and strong. She's often asked why some young celebrities handle fame well while others go off the rails.

Deportation petition at 100,000+ signatures
11:47:14 AM
Do you belieb that one of Canada's biggest exports could be deported as a result of his recent Miami arrest?

Bieber turns himself in to police
11:44:10 AM
Justin Bieber is facing an assault charge in connection with a run-in with a limo driver. Is he out of control? CNN's Jason Carroll reports.

What the new charge is about
11:42:57 AM
Justin Bieber arrived at a Toronto police station Wednesday evening to face an assault charge in connection with an encounter with a limousine driver a month ago.

50 years since The Beatles on 'Ed Sullivan'
11:31:35 AM
When the Beatles landed in the U.S., they let loose records likely never to be broken and a fan dedication unequaled. But could the Beatles' invasion happen today?

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