
الجمعة، 31 يناير 2014 - Top Stories

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Firefighters' boss files for retirement
12:56:00 AM
Marie Mills' father was having a massive heart attack. A passerby rushed across the street to a fire station to try to get help. That's where she got an unexpected answer.

'Never should have happened'
12:55:29 AM
A woman says firefighters refused to help her dying father because of protocol that they can't help unless dispatched.

Food snatched from kids' hands
12:51:21 AM
The trays were grabbed from pupils at a Utah elementary school this week because they had negative balances in the accounts used to pay for lunches.

Food snatched from kids' hands
12:51:21 AM
The trays were grabbed from pupils at a Utah elementary school this week because they had negative balances in the accounts used to pay for lunches.

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