
الجمعة، 31 يناير 2014 - Top Stories

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Rift between Christie, former ally
6:28:35 PM
Gov. Chris Christie's former ally says there is evidence the New Jersey governor knew about the bridge closures.

Lawyer: Evidence disputes Christie
6:28:27 PM
A lawyer for David Wildstein, a former top appointee of Chris Christie, says there is evidence contradicting what the New Jersey governor has said publicly about the George Washington Bridge traffic lane closures that has roiled his administration.

Elway: Manning shouldn't quit
6:28:17 PM
CNN's Rachel Nichols sits down with John Elway to talk about Super Bowl XLVIII and the Denver Broncos.

Syria, Iran playing Obama for a fool?
6:28:07 PM
Frida Ghitis says Syria, Iran are quietly defying the U.S., raising doubts about the outcome of negotiations

Heroin laced with painkiller takes toll
6:20:31 PM
Andrew grew up in a broken home in Pennsylvania, watching his mother abuse drugs and his father drink beer. His dad inexplicably started adding water to empty beer bottles and feeding Andrew the rinse when the boy was 4. Five years later, he was hooked on his mom's prescription pills. Today, at age 19, he has overdosed twice in the past week alone -- not on prescription pills, but heroin.

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