
الخميس، 31 أكتوبر 2013 - Top Stories

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Photos: It's not legal, but it's a record
2:53:31 AM

Marvin Gaye heirs sue Robin Thicke
2:52:06 AM
Robin Thicke's summertime hit "Blurred Lines" is an illegal rip-off of Marvin Gaye's "Got to Give It Up," Gaye's children claim in court documents filed Wednesday.

Report: Biden nearly ditched for Clinton
2:50:46 AM
The potential switch was a closely guarded secret within campaign infrastructure and inside the Oval Office, The New York Times reports.

From New York to LA in less than 29 hours
2:50:14 AM
With an average speed of 98 mph in a tricked-out Mercedes Benz, the trio beat the old record by more than two hours.

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