
الأربعاء، 30 أكتوبر 2013 - Top Stories

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'Vandalized' Banksy painting worth $1M?
9:46:32 PM
The elusive graffiti artist Banksy made his mark on a painting bought for just $50 from a New York City thrift store, and bidding has exceeded more than $300,000 in a charity auction.

Wife finds soccer pro's head at door
9:42:02 PM
João Rodrigo Silva Santos didn't come home Monday night.

MLB pitcher helps toss disruptive flier
9:40:18 PM
When flight attendants needed help with a disruptive passenger, Mets pitcher LaTroy Hawkins didn't balk. The lanky right-hander and fellow passengers pitched in, restraining the passenger while the plane was diverted to a nearby airport.

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