
الأربعاء، 30 أكتوبر 2013

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??? ??????? - Top Stories
9:19:00 PM
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RSSFWD - Top Stories delivers up-to-the-minute news and information on the latest top stories, weather, entertainment, politics and more.

Woman got $1.11 plan
9:16:21 PM
A Pittsburgh woman says she used the Obamacare website to get a health insurance plan with a $1.11 per month premium.

The most equal and unequal U.S. counties
9:13:44 PM
You might assume New York is the American capital of income inequality -- what with its multibillion-dollar mayor, its highly paid Wall Street execs and its persistent poverty.

Sebelius : I'm accountable
9:09:31 PM
She apologized for the "miserably frustrating" problems with the Obamacare website and promised it would get fixed.

Site down during hearing
9:07:40 PM
Rep. Blackburn calls for the website to be pulled up live in the hearing room.

Wife finds soccer pro's head at door
9:07:33 PM
João Rodrigo Silva Santos didn't come home Monday night.

Google 'outraged' by snooping
9:05:26 PM
The NSA's chief rejected a Washington Post report that the agency secretly broke into Google and Yahoo communications links.

Greenwald: NSA had no evidence
9:05:15 PM
Glenn Greenwald tells Christiane Amanopur that NSA chief General Keith Alexander didn't offer "any evidence" to Congress

Did it 'crash'?
9:03:23 PM
When is a website crash not a crash? That question has been on the minds of many since the government official responsible for the beleaguered site testified Wednesday before Congress.

EU delegation takes concerns to WH
9:01:06 PM
European lawmakers took their push for answers on U.S. surveillance programs to the White House on Wednesday, meeting with Deputy National Security Adviser Lisa Monaco and other National Security Council staffers.

Why allies spy on allies
8:58:02 PM
To those who study or even practiced espionage, U.S. spying on allies is hardly new.

Opinion: Has the NSA gone rogue?
8:57:46 PM
Christopher Slobogin says the NSA can't read the conversations and emails it collects unless a court agrees it's reasonable to suspect a threat. With the reports of hundreds of millions of monitored calls, is the NSA abiding by the rules?

Who's sorry now?
8:55:37 PM
Today it was HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius' turn to apologize for the Obamacare website -- which was down as she testified.

8:53:03 PM
She apologized for the "miserably frustrating" problems with the Obamacare website and promised it would get fixed.

What else could go wrong?
8:51:14 PM
It's clear, is problematic.

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3600 O'Donnell Street, Suite 200, Baltimore, MD 21224. (410) 230-0061