
الجمعة، 30 أغسطس 2013 - Top Stories

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NFL settles concussion lawsuit
7:27:47 AM
Thousands of former football players and their families reached a settlement with the National Football League on Thursday in a lawsuit that put concussions, and their impact on the brain, under the microscope.

What's cuter than a baby panda? Twins!
7:26:09 AM
The only thing cuter than a baby panda might be TWO baby pandas.

U.S. Hispanic population spreading
7:14:59 AM
The American Hispanic population is dispersing across the country, but is still anchored mainly in three states, according to a new study released Thursday.

Britain backs out
7:13:47 AM
Great Britain won't join a coalition, making it more likely the U.S. would have to make a strike on Syria without its closest ally.

Sources: Drone kills 6 in Yemen
7:11:40 AM
U.S. drone strikes in Yemen on Friday killed six militants, including two senior leaders of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, four local security sources said.

China ramps up its space race
7:08:43 AM
China set a bold new course in its ambitious space program Wednesday, when it announced plans to land its first probe on the moon by the end of the year.

Tylenol users get a new warning
7:04:53 AM
Bottles of Extra Strength Tylenol will soon have a new warning on their caps: "Contains acetaminophen. Always read the label."

The best cat video of all time is ...
7:02:09 AM
Catfight at a fest honoring top Web cat videos. Jeanne Moos says Golden Kitty award didn't put a smile on winner's face.

Surgery separates conjoined twins
7:01:27 AM
Conjoined twins in Dallas were successfully separated after surgery.

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