
السبت، 31 أغسطس 2013 - Top Stories

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Diana Nyad
9:43:45 AM
If Diana Nyad never realizes her dream of swimming the Florida straits, it won't be for lack of trying. The 64-year-old says she will begin her fifth and last bid to swim from Cuba to the United States early Saturday.

Climbing the world's scariest bridges
9:41:45 AM
The world's highest bridges don't scare two men who have traveled to some of the scariest on the planet. And sometimes, when nobody's looking, they climb them.

After a strike, then what?
9:37:27 AM
As the United States weighs possible military strikes on Syria in response to a suspected chemical weapons attack, it has to consider a critical question: then what?

Al Qaeda's potent force
9:35:59 AM
Why has the Obama administration been so reluctant to intervene in Syria? There are a host of reasons -- American fatigue with war, President Barack Obama's disinclination to start another conflict in the Middle East, and the splintered, fractured opposition to Bashar al-Assad.

Analysts: Any choice holds risks
9:33:31 AM
President Obama cites a "wide range of options" to deal with Syria, but they boil down to this: bad, worse, and horrible.

U.N. inspectors get out
9:29:59 AM
U.N. inspectors have left Syria, and Obama's allies and critics are beseeching him to wait for the U.N. report.

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