
الجمعة، 30 أغسطس 2013 - Top Stories

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Dragon Con: History of Nerd Central
5:07:55 PM
Atlanta's Dragon Con has built a reputation as an annual destination for acceptance and appreciation of all things nerdy. Over 25 years the convention has grown from a crowd of 1,400 to an expected 55,000 people this year. Here's a history of its birth and growing pangs.

What exactly are Obama's options?
5:06:47 PM
President Obama has said a "wide range of options" is still on the table, in response to Syria's chemical weapons attacks. Here's a look at some of them.

Profile of a rape -- and suicide -- victim
5:04:52 PM
Cherice Moralez wasn't the type to wait for the storm to pass. She preferred to dance in the downpour.

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