
الاثنين، 31 ديسمبر 2012 - Top Stories

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Forget 2013, nation is counting down to fiscal cliff
10:55:48 AM
With a few hours remaining to avert the fiscal cliff, negotiators have made significant progress on a deal, sources say.

Hillary Clinton
10:42:35 AM
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was hospitalized Sunday after doctors discovered a blood clot during a follow-up exam related to a concussion she suffered this month, her spokesman said.

Zelizer: Leadership or gridlock for GOP
10:41:58 AM
With House Speaker John Boehner unable to keep his troops in line, the GOP faces 2013 without a courageous leader, says Julian Zelizer

Hillary Clinton in hospital with blood clot
10:39:18 AM
Clinton's doctors found the blood clot during a follow-up exam for the concussion she suffered this month, her spokesman says.

The cliff and your wallet
10:38:20 AM
CNN's Tom Foreman explains how going over the fiscal cliff could delay your tax returns next year.

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