
الأحد، 30 ديسمبر 2012 - Top Stories

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Opinion: Your health care in 2013
4:01:10 PM
There's a lot that will happen in 2013 with respect to health care, but the truth of the matter is that most of it will be in preparation for 2014. That's the year the Affordable Care Act really kicks into effect. Here are my guesses for what to watch in 2013:

Defying the KGB to free a people
3:59:42 PM
It was a decades-long movement that freed 1.5 million Soviet Jews and helped bring down the Iron Curtain. It was marked by risks, helped by outsiders -- and then largely forgotten. Now new activists want the campaign to find its way into history books and be a model for change in the face of fresh human rights abuses.

Nuns filling gaps in health care system
3:55:35 PM
While modernization of the Catholic Church left fewer nuns in the pipeline to carry out work in the health care and education fields, the ones who stayed -- this baby boomer generation of religious sisters -- undertook a kind of grass-roots, social justice-oriented health care.

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