
الاثنين، 31 ديسمبر 2012 - Top Stories

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Photos: People we lost
11:28:49 AM
Photos: Notable people we've lost in 2012

Dad claims Sandy Hook shooter's body
11:20:50 AM
The body of Sandy Hook Elementary School shooter Adam Lanza was claimed last week by someone who didn't wish to be identified, an official said Monday.

Zookeepers wrestle gators for eggs
11:09:02 AM
Zookeepers say they have steal the eggs to protect the hatchlings from being eaten by adult alligators.

Forget 2013, nation is counting down to fiscal cliff
11:08:51 AM
A possible deal to avert the midnight deadline for the fiscal cliff tax hikes and spending cuts is taking shape, sources say.

Pregnant mom: 'Foot's hanging out!'
11:04:48 AM
A father's quick thinking saved his newborn daughter when he was forced to deliver her on the side of a highway.

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