
الخميس، 31 يناير 2013 - Top Stories

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'Let's get to common ground' on guns
9:12:56 PM
His father died in a massacre at a temple last August. Now Amardeep Kaleka is asking both sides of the gun debate to come together. Don't let the issue die, he says, like those who didn't have to.

Puppy Bowl IX: Pics of the litter
9:08:59 PM
A visit to the whirlpool tub cool-down zone signals the endgame for Sunday's Super Bowl competitors. But for the furry beasts of the annual Puppy Bowl, a jump in the water pit means the competition for cuteness has only just begun.

Lingerie league: New name, same attire
9:07:00 PM
The Lingerie Football League is changing its name to Legends Football League, but they're keeping the underwear.

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