
الخميس، 31 يناير 2013 - Top Stories

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Lawrence reacts to dress malfunction
1:23:26 AM
Actress Jennifer Lawrence sits down with CNN's Piers Morgan and reacts to her recent awards show dress malfunction.

Slain Ill. teen's family welcomes debate
1:16:06 AM
The family of a Chicago teenager killed just a week after she performed in President Barack Obama's inauguration supports using her death to help shape the debate over gun control, her father and godfather said Thursday.

X Games snowmobiler dies
1:15:08 AM
Caleb Moore died Thursday, a week after he attempted a backflip at the Winter X Games in Aspen, Colorado. His skis dug into the snow and the 450-pound machine crashed on him.

Hagel hiccups under questioning
1:01:13 AM
President Barack Obama's choice for defense secretary, former GOP Sen. Chuck Hagel, stumbled at times as he faced questions from his former colleagues.

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