
الخميس، 31 مايو 2012 - Top Stories

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Medication for 'miracle' baby halted
9:02:25 PM
Doctors have withdrawn medications and begun palliative care for a premature baby who survived hours in a morgue refrigerator in Argentina, state media reported.

'Hero' saved Seattle cafe patrons
8:59:36 PM
Police say gunman fatally shot 4 people at a coffee house, then killed a woman he was trying to carjack four miles away. He later shot himself in the head.

Canada killing suspect's 'creepy' past
8:58:16 PM
He was pegged as a serial kitten-killer by animal rights activists, and as a man who may have dated a Canadian woman convicted of drugging, raping, torturing and killing young girls almost two decades ago.

Rejected: Sex-selection abortion ban
8:55:29 PM
Anti-abortion forces team up to push legislation banning abortions based on the sex of the fetus. Dana Bash reports.

Opinion: Why older Latino voters matter
8:40:05 PM
Jeff Cruz says President Obama will likely win the votes of Latinos, who care greatly about issues like Social Security and Medicare

Once a cheater, always a cheater?
8:28:46 PM
John Edwards walked out of a courtroom Thursday a free man. How long will it take women attracted by the flame of celebrity -- even ill-gotten -- to date him? And believe they can convert him to monogamy?

Dershowitz: Jury got it exactly right
8:20:36 PM
Alan Dershowitz says of course the jury members couldn't make up their mind on most of the charges. No rational person could.

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