
الخميس، 31 مايو 2012 - Top Stories

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RSSFWD - Top Stories delivers up-to-the-minute news and information on the latest top stories, weather, entertainment, politics and more.

Clinton: Meryl Streep can play Hillary
11:14:36 PM
President Bill Clinton talks about his favorite movies and which actors he would chose to play as himself and Hillary.

Bizarre cases of fast food rage
11:10:53 PM
In the RidicuList, Anderson Cooper looks at customers who turn violent when their fast food wants aren't met.

Hero hurled barstools at gunman
11:09:29 PM
The man, whom Seattle police call a hero for going after a gunman in a cafe, said his brother died in the World Trade Center terror attacks and he made a vow: "I promised myself ... I would never hide under a table."

Down the aisle, same-sex style
10:57:32 PM
From cakes to couture, same-sex couples are writing the blueprint for the perfect wedding, regardless of whether it's legal. As the unions become more widely accepted, wedding planners say couples are getting younger.

It's football vs. forest at Virginia Tech
10:52:45 PM
A group calling itself Friends of Stadium Woods wants the Virginia Tech athletics department to change its plans to knock down old-growth trees for a practice facility.

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