
الثلاثاء، 31 ديسمبر 2013 - Top Stories

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See midnight fireworks celebrations
3:02:13 PM
Taipei, Taiwan and Hong Kong ring in 2014 with fireworks presentations. No audio.

Unscrew those old light bulbs
2:58:53 PM
It lit up the world and showed us all our way. It served presidents, princes, and paupers with equal alacrity. It brought the writings of Yeats, Joyce, Rowling, and Trudeau to millions of bed-readers, and helped countless people around the world avoid stubbing their toes in the dark.

Tech 'fails'
2:52:52 PM
"Fail fast." It's a mantra you hear in the tech-startup world -- a reminder to chase your dreams even if you need to pick up the pieces and start from scratch every now and then.

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