
الثلاثاء، 31 ديسمبر 2013 - Top Stories

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Edible confetti, drag queen drop on NYE
3:24:23 AM
Yes, it's new year's eve again, time to bust out the champagne and make resolutions you probably won't keep.

2:46:52 AM
"Lose weight" is one of the top New Year's resolutions every year. You've probably made it once or twice yourself, and we commend you for accomplishing such an ambitious goal.

Five resolutions for President Obama
2:46:21 AM
As millions of Americans think about how they can do better in 2014 through their New Year resolutions, President Obama might want to make a few of his own.

Lavish NYE parties
2:43:40 AM
Throw confetti! Drop balloons! Give someone a snog! What better way to welcome the new year than with a party, some good food or a burning boat?

New measures range from drones to Obamacare
2:33:37 AM
Not everyone makes a New Year's resolution, but Americans will be required to follow new laws in 2014.

Brain dead girl to stay on life support
2:14:49 AM
A judge extended a temporary restraining order in the case of Jahi McMath, barring a hospital from disconnecting the 13-year-old girl's life support until January 7. Her family is fighting for more time.

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