
الأحد، 30 يونيو 2013 - Top Stories

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9 reasons to love Corvettes
3:11:29 PM
The Chevy Corvette has left years of memorable experiences for many drivers, and now the American sports car is in its seventh generation and celebrating its 60th anniversary since it first went into production.

NSA leaks
3:10:56 PM
European officials reacted with fury Sunday to a report that the U.S. National Security Agency spied on EU offices.

Court refuses Prop 8 backers' challenge
3:06:13 PM
The U.S. Supreme Court on Sunday refused to stop California from issuing same-sex marriage licenses, turning aside an emergency request from supporters of Proposition 8, the voter-approved measure that had earlier been dismissed by the justices on narrow, jurisdictional grounds. It is the latest legal and political twist in an issue that has divided the state.

Coin could change Australia's history
2:59:46 PM
Can a handful of ancient copper coins from a once-opulent but now abandoned corner of East Africa change what we know about Australian history?

Heidi Montag says no to plastic?
2:58:34 PM
Heidi Montag urges action against banks whose hidden fees are hurting reality TV stars. For more go to

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