
الأحد، 30 يونيو 2013 - Top Stories

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Police: Man killed, cooked family puppy
7:12:51 AM
A Florida man is accused of strangling a family puppy, chopping it into pieces and cooking its ribs on the stove, Tampa police said.

Egypt: Stabbed U.S. man filmed protests
7:11:25 AM
An American student fatally stabbed in Egypt was so fascinated with the region, he read poems about it to his girlfriend, his mother said.

Get ready for more gay rights
7:00:43 AM
Can you feel it? There was a bit of a bump there.

Rulings complicate GOP's outlook
6:59:36 AM
Moments after the U.S. Supreme Court ruled on a pair of same-sex marriage cases, the handful of Democrats considering running for president in 2016 stumbled over themselves in a rush of celebratory reaction, blasting out a salvo of congratulatory press releases and tweets.

Obama pledges $7 billion to Africa
6:55:59 AM
Power Africa initiative comes as China aggressively engages the continent, pouring billions of dollars into it. FULL STORY

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