
الخميس، 30 مايو 2013 - Top Stories

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Baby saved from toilet is out of hospital
11:41:10 AM
A newborn baby boy who was found alive inside a toilet pipe in Jinhua, China, has been released from a hospital and taken home by his maternal grandparents, police said.

Inside the hunt for a leaker
11:40:17 AM
When the government investigates the alleged unauthorized release of sensitive information, the focus is normally on the person doing the leaking.

First 'Made in USA' smartphone coming
11:34:41 AM
Motorola says it will produce the first smartphone manufactured in the United States.

'Without her, I had no one by me'
11:33:50 AM
He only needed $172. This month Kanhaiya Kumari -- born in the jail where his mother has been locked up for 19 years --- finally earned enough money to pay her bail. FULL STORY

'I need help'
11:31:42 AM
An Arizona mother accused of drug smuggling in Mexico says she has been turning to scripture to survive. FULL STORY

Q&A: SARS-like virus
11:25:25 AM
The head of the World Health Organization says the coronavirus is her "greatest concern." Should it be yours?

Trailer accident
11:23:13 AM
A trailer came unhitched from a truck near Syracuse, New York, on Wednesday, and struck an approaching minivan, killing seven people, authorities said.

'No one came to help'
11:21:31 AM
In India, a son works night and day to earn money to bail his mother out of jail. CNN's Fionnuala Sweeney reports.

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