
الخميس، 30 مايو 2013 - Top Stories

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Typo puts crown on wrong beauty
10:38:53 AM
CNN's John Berman looks at the mix-up that caused one woman's pageant dreams to come true, and another's to fall apart.

What's bumming Dad? Mom earns more
10:35:29 AM
A new study by Pew Research Center finds that, more and more, married mothers are earning more than their husbands -- about 23%, up from 4% in 1960. That's nearly one in four families. And although men say they support equality, they are struggling with this new reality.

'No one came to help' -- except her son
10:34:00 AM
In India, a son works night and day to earn money to bail his mother out of jail. CNN's Fionnuala Sweeney reports.

The new 'X-Men': They're all women
10:29:47 AM
Perhaps they could be called X-Women.

Teen txt msg: You've got STDs
10:29:22 AM
A controversial partnership between a site aimed at preventing sexually transmitted diseases and a school district may be the latest tool to keep teens safe.

Freed after 19 years
10:29:05 AM
An Indian son worked night and day in a garment factory to earn enough money to bail his mother out of jail.

Disney explosion
10:20:43 AM
Disneyland employees are paid to serve up magic and memories -- but not like this.

Trailer accident
10:20:19 AM
A trailer came unhitched from a truck near Syracuse, New York, on Wednesday, and struck an approaching minivan, killing seven people, authorities said.

Paterno family lawsuit
10:16:30 AM
Joe Paterno led the Penn State Nittany Lions for 46 seasons and -- in the process -- became the winningest coach in college football history.

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