
الاثنين، 31 مارس 2014 - Top Stories

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Ukraine digs in as Russia masses troops
10:19:06 AM
U.S. officials have estimated Moscow has massed 40,000 troops on the border and that 25,000 more are deployed a little deeper in Russia. Among the Ukrainian people, fear of an invasion is palpable.

Pinger is best hope to find Flight 370
10:18:05 AM
An Australian ship fitted with a pinger locator from the U.S. is on its way to the search area. It's expected to arrive Thursday.

Richardson: Reality of climate change
10:15:38 AM
"Nothing poses a bigger threat to our water, our livelihood and our quality of life than a warming climate." Those are my words from 2006 upon the signing of an executive order on climate change for New Mexico when I was governor.

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