
الجمعة، 30 نوفمبر 2012 - Top Stories

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Draft of new Egyptian constitution passes
7:54:18 AM
The draft now goes to President Mohamed Morsy. The constitution also needs to be approved by citizens, many of whom are angry at the government.

Joke: Romney could have lived here
7:53:58 AM
Late night comedians crack on the private lunch between President Obama and Mitt Romney.

10 ways fiscal cliff could hurt you
7:51:33 AM
If President Barack Obama and Congress cannot reach an agreement on the "fiscal cliff," economic experts agree it would be devastating. And ultimately, it could hurt your physical and emotional health.

Opinion: How to bridge the fiscal cliff
7:47:51 AM
Edward Kleinbard: We need to commit today to a transition from our current taxing and spending policies to a more sustainable mix.

Ghitis: Why Middle East is a mess
7:46:37 AM
Frida Ghitis says much as Obama wants to focus on Asia, but Middle East, roiled by crises, corruption, poor governance, anti-women polices and serious economic problems, keep taking center stage

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