
الجمعة، 31 أغسطس 2012 - Top Stories

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Holmes called university before killings
8:02:56 AM
James Holmes called a University of Colorado switchboard nine minutes before he allegedly opened fire at movieplex in a Denver suburb on July 20, public defender Tamara Brady said in court Thursday.

Syria today: Clashes in Aleppo, Homs
8:01:57 AM
Clashes were reported Friday in Aleppo and Homs, two centers of opposition to Syrian government forces.

4 new Yosemite hantavirus cases
7:59:12 AM
Four more cases of hantavirus have been reported among people who visited Yosemite National Park in California, bringing the total number of cases to six, the California Department of Public Health said Thursday. Two of the six people infected have died.

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