
الثلاثاء، 31 مايو 2016 - Top Stories

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'Historic' surge of Cubans cross border into U.S.
5:19:11 PM
Thousands of Cubans who say they're fleeing a repressive government and searching for economic opportunity are taking their first steps in the United States.

Trump: 'Press should be ashamed'
5:17:56 PM
Donald Trump went on a sustained frontal assault against the media Tuesday, repeatedly calling out reporters as sleazy and dishonest.

Clinton: Trump shamed into donating
5:13:34 PM
Hillary Clinton said Tuesday that Donald Trump does not deserve "much credit" for his donations to veterans groups, saying that the presumptive GOP nominee only did so because a reporter had to "shame" him into doing it.

Popular: Radical Islam in America | Graham Opposes Republican Leader | Guns in America

N. Korea: Trump 'wise,' Clinton 'dull'
5:12:13 PM
A North Korean state media website on Tuesday published an op-ed praising Donald Trump, who said two weeks ago he would be willing to speak directly to Pyongyang's young leader, Kim Jong Un.

Opinion: Immigration raids are wrong
5:09:02 PM
We're coming for you.

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Do NOT pay your next car insurance bill until you try this.

Gorilla drags 3-year-old
5:07:38 PM
Things turned dangerous quickly when a 3-year-old boy fell into a gorilla enclosure at the Cincinnati Zoo.

Feds to appeal immigration ruling
5:05:23 PM
The Obama administration will appeal a federal judge's order that it turn over immigration records of almost 50,000 people and require Justice Department lawyers attend ethics courses.

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