
الخميس، 28 أبريل 2016 - Top Stories

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Opinion: Why N. Korean threat is urgent issue
6:12:39 AM
Kim Jong Un has been intensifying his efforts to develop a long-range nuclear strike capability since the beginning of 2016. The more vulnerable he feels atop a weakening North Korea, the more he seeks a silver bullet to ensure the regime's long-term survival.

Official: North Korea's missile launch 'seems to have failed'
6:11:34 AM

Tourist's photos capture other side of Pyongyang
6:09:20 AM
Tourist and amateur photographer Michal Huniewicz's shots show a different side of North Korea's capital.

Sanders campaign lays off 'hundreds'
6:03:15 AM
Bernie Sanders' campaign is downsizing its field staff, as well as some advance and other workers, an adviser told CNN Wednesday afternoon.

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