
السبت، 30 يناير 2016 - Top Stories

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'Top secret' Clinton emails won't be released
9:27:22 AM
The State Department's decision, coming three days before the Iowa caucuses, could provide fodder for Clinton's political opponents, especially Republicans, who are likely to make note of the emails' "top secret" designation.

Head-on crash gave Earth its moon?
9:26:10 AM
It's the only world besides Earth that man has set foot on. But we still don't know exactly how it got there.

New fly-over of dwarf planet
9:25:24 AM
Ceres is a dwarf planet that is about 310 million miles from Earth. This animation is based on images captured by NASA's Dawn spacecraft, which is orbiting Ceres.

5 snowmobilers killed by avalanche
9:23:30 AM
An afternoon snowmobiling in the Canadian Rocky Mountains turned deadly for five people, after a powerful avalanche swept through and swept them away.

2 mafia bosses caught in bunker
9:09:06 AM
After eluding capture for years, two Mafia bosses have been arrested in an underground bunker in southern Italy.

Kaley Cuoco's 'Lip Sync' performance
9:05:32 AM
"The Big Bang Theory" actress Kaley Cuoco floored the crowd with her performance on "Lip Sync Battle."

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