
الأحد، 28 يونيو 2015 - Top Stories

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NBC and GOP, dump Trump over Mexico remarks
10:03:02 PM

Are religion and gay marriage in conflict?
10:03:02 PM
"Hello. My name is Ana, and I support marriage equality." For many years, I felt like being a pro-same sex marriage Republican would land me in a 12-step program.

Robert Redford: I agree with the Pope
10:03:02 PM
On Monday, I'll have the honor of addressing U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and representatives from 193 countries gathered at U.N. headquarters in New York to call for immediate action on global climate change.

100,000 dead due to War on Drugs?
10:03:02 PM
I've been writing about the war on drugs for 15 years.

Lift disability burdens for students
10:03:02 PM
It's not always a label you're born with. Sometimes, being disabled is something that happens to you over time, after years of living a healthy life.

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