
الجمعة، 31 أكتوبر 2014 - Top Stories

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J.K. Rowling's new 'Harry Potter' tale
11:48:44 AM
In honor of Halloween, J.K. Rowling is delving into the back story of one of "Harry Potter's" more twisted Hogwarts professors.

How America is hurting itself
11:47:36 AM
Despite the tireless efforts of many health professionals, progress against Ebola and other diseases has been slowed by federal budget cuts. To boost our efforts to prevent epidemics, federal investment in biomedical research should be revived.

What politicians want us to fear
11:45:42 AM
Politicians in both parties might have seriously miscalculated. The election returns aren't in yet, so we can't know for sure. Still, if trends continue, this could turn out to be a bad year for fear.

What does justice mean for Ferguson?
11:43:37 AM
The Michael Brown case has great significance because it is yet another in a growing line of tragedies that further demand a conversation about our civil liberties within the criminal justice system.

Rocket operator hit destruct button
11:39:20 AM
After it became apparent there was a problem with the launch of the NASA-contracted Antares rocket, the company that operated the flight hit the destruct button, a spokesman said Thursday.

Temple Mount partially reopened
11:37:37 AM
Israel partially reopened access to the Temple Mount for Muslim prayers Friday, a day after taking a rare step of closing it amid Israeli-Palestinian tensions following the shooting of a controversial rabbi and subsequent killing of a suspect.

Chewing fat on rubber-chicken circuit
11:36:25 AM
Why did nearly 1,000 Iowans pay $100-a-pop to chew wilted salads and poke at dried-out chicken breast with a bunch of strangers inside a drafty conventional hall? Politics, of course.

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