
الجمعة، 30 مايو 2014 - Top Stories

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VA Scandal
3:22:23 AM
With calls for him to resign hanging over his head, Veterans Affairs' Secretary Eric Shinseki on Friday will face representatives of people particularly vulnerable to his agency's medical failings.

Suicide bombing
3:21:14 AM
The truck was loaded with munitions, then driven up a hillside in northern Syria. Moments later, there was a massive blast followed by cries of "Allahu Akbar," or "God is great" in Arabic, and the rattling of gunfire.

3:19:41 AM
Space travelers, get ready for a new ride.

National Spelling Bee
3:19:10 AM
Sriram Hathwar and Ansun Sujoe correctly spelled so many words Thursday that the Scripps National Spelling Bee had to declare them both winners.

Rapes in India
3:17:52 AM
A police officer and two other people were arrested after an alleged gang-rape that left two teenage girls dead in an Indian village, authorities said Friday.

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