
الأربعاء، 30 أبريل 2014 - Top Stories

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Long-time Mad magazine editor dies
6:37:39 PM
Al Feldstein, who guided Mad magazine for almost three decades as its editor, has died, according to a Montana funeral home. He was 88.

'Mean Girls' -- where are they now?
6:33:47 PM
How many of you have ever felt personally victimized by Regina George? If you raised your hand, you can attest to the fact that even a decade later "Mean Girls" more than still holds up.

Mike Rowe on 'quixotic mission'
6:33:32 PM
Mike Rowe talks to CNN's Jake Tapper about his efforts to campaign for increasing skilled labor jobs.

FAA stops departures at LAX
6:32:46 PM
Something is amiss at Los Angeles International Airport (LAX).

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