
السبت، 1 مارس 2014 - Top Stories

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RSSFWD - Top Stories delivers up-to-the-minute news and information on the latest top stories, weather, entertainment, politics and more.

Obama to Russia: Back off Ukraine
4:12:29 AM
As tensions mount, Ukraine's ambassador to the U.N. warns Russia against any further violation of its borders.

Deluge soaks drought-parched Southern California
4:11:03 AM
Southern California has been in the middle of its worst drought in 100 years, so it would seem that rain would be good news. But in much of the area, it has been anything but.

Mudslides wreak havoc on Calif.
4:08:02 AM
CNN's Kyung Lah reports on the torrential rain that is causing mudslides and forcing evacuations in Southern California.

Comedian gets heat for security speech
4:04:53 AM
Steven Colbert is not terribly worried about the NSA reading his emails.

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