
الأحد، 29 سبتمبر 2013 - Top Stories

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Cops: Estranged daughter kills mom
9:07:11 PM
Josephine Ruckinger had been estranged from family members for about 20 years.

Chavez recording fake, Venezuela says
9:05:57 PM
Venezuela's president says right-wing opponents have unleashed a new weapon in their push to destabilize his government and demoralize his supporters: an imitation of Hugo Chavez's voice.

Daughter of slain pastor speaks out
8:58:25 PM
The daughter of a pastor who was shot to death during a church service remembered her father as a servant of God.

Gunmen kill 21 sleeping students
8:54:06 PM
Under the cover of darkness, gunmen approached a dormitory in a rural Nigerian town and opened fire on students who were sleeping.

Saudi cleric: Driving may harm ovaries
8:49:20 PM
A leading Saudi cleric warned women who drive cars could cause damage to their ovaries and pelvises and that they are at risk of having children born with "clinical problems."

Pastor shot dead while preaching
8:47:21 PM
Bond is set at $1 million for a Louisiana man accused of shooting and killing a church pastor as he preached in Lake Charles, Louisiana on Friday night.

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