
الثلاثاء، 30 يوليو 2013 - Top Stories

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Teen alleges abuse on marijuana farm
1:30:16 AM
Two California men are due in federal court Wednesday in what began as another big pot-growing drug bust but what has become a horrifying story of one teenager's alleged torment, captivity and sexual abuse. FULL STORY

Rehab program rife with fraud
1:20:04 AM
A year-long investigation by CNN and the C.I.R. finds widespread fraud in America's largest Medicaid program.

Teens used as rehab pawns
1:16:49 AM
Part 2: Victoria Byers told rehab counselors she didn't do drugs. Whistle-blowers say her clinic billed taxpayers to treat teens who didn't need it. FULL STORY

Chandra Levy
12:05:16 AM
A judge on Monday ordered the release of sealed documents and transcripts from court proceedings related to the murder case of Chandra Levy, a Washington intern whose disappearance in 2001 drew national headlines and damaged a U.S. congressman's political career.

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